

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2nd session, better than the first

Last night's session went so well. She really helped me to prioritize my life, and figure out what's truly important. I'm going to be making some big changes, and I'm setting deadlines for those changes. So anywho, I feel good. I feel like I'm in control of SOMETHING. I need that.

I also sat down with my mom last night and told her what's going on. At first, she just told me to stop trying, because she knew someone who adopted and THEN got pregnant. So once I explained to her that while stress indeed my FACTOR into fertility issues, infertility is a medical condition, not a mental thing. (You wouldn't think I'd need to explain that to a nurse, right?!) And that I was stressed and depressed because of infertility, not vise-versa. She also started off on the "you're too young to be infertile" path. Like, yeah, it really discriminates based on age, you know. Sigh. But I feel like she gets the gist of it, now.

Next month I'm back to the doctor to start testing. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that your session went well! And I'm glad that your mom in gently crasping the idea.
